Are you in a vulnerable situation or do you know someone who is in this situation? Our community worker can help you.
Hélène Martineau: 450 472-9540 extension 222 or by email
This project, Workplace initiatives for seniors in vulnerable situations (ITMAV), is made possible thanks to funding from the Ministry of Health and Social Services - Seniors Secretariat.
Au cours des années, j’ai développé des aide-mémoires, des outils pratico-pratiques pour faciliter la tâche de la clientèle aînée. Partant du principe que si c’est aidant pour un, peut-être le sera-t-il aussi pour d’autre. N’hésitez donc pas à partager.
Déménagement : quoi faire quand ?
Pour bien préparer son déménagement, mieux vaut s’y prendre à temps. Ce calendrier vous permettra de ne rien oublier.
Changements d’adresse
Pour ne rien oublier! Voici une liste exhaustive des changements à effectuer : gouvernements, fournisseurs de services, assurances, pharmacie, etc.
La période des impôts rythme souvent avec stress, pour ne rien oublier sur les dépenses admissibles (70 ans +) pour le maintien à domicile, voici un outil pour s’y préparer tout au long de l’année. (à venir)
What is vulnerability? Isolation, loss of autonomy, cognitive problems, lack of social network, lack of awareness of resources, poverty, food insecurity, mistreatment and abuse are some of the factors that can create a situation of vulnerability
A few ressources that can help you or a loved one in a vulnerable situation.
What is abuse? The mistreatment of the elderly is an increasingly frequent social problem. The consequences of mistreatment are serious in terms of the physical and psychological health of the elderly. We understand that in a situation of mistreatment, the elderly are reluctant to reveal their situation.
In order to support and facilitate support in cases of mistreatment, the Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse of the MRC of Deux-Montagnes and South of Mirabel offers a support model that can be used by all people who are in contact with older people.
Are you a senior in a situation of abuse ? We offer you empathetic, respectful and non-judgmental listening. Are you a relative or a witness ? Your collaboration is important and it can make a big difference !
CAB Les Artisans de l'Aide offers formations intended for volunteers and workers who work with the elderly population, as well as awareness workshops for the elderly.